Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Periodismo con financiamiento mixto: donaciones

Del UC Berkeley Media Technology Summit at Google, recojo lo siguiente, que me deja impresionado:

mikeorren:  "The number one radio station in Houston doesn't have a reporter. It doesn't even have a human anymore." #mts

El siguiente twitt es bastante obvio, pero, plantea que hay que mirar hacia nuestro interior --como individuos, para continuar escudriñando por más material para extender el tópico.

Rosental:  RT @sjcobrien: Thornton: Agrees that the basic unit of news is the topic, not the article. #mts

thisKat:  RT @nytjim John Thornton, who's starting Texas Tribune as non-profit, paints a grim, grim view of newspaper economic fundamentals. #mts

transnets: RT @mikeorren: Great phrase: "Revenue promiscuity" #mts

rplothow: It was a great presentation, very entertaining, lots of interesting ideas. It'll never fly, Orville. #mts

mikeorren: Nonprofit is "intellectual get out of jail free card." #mts

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